Steps to creative lighting design taken by AKLD


The AKLD team has a passionate commitment for sustainable design, improving health and human experience.
LEED Certified

LEED certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions, and create healthier places for people. AKLD is LEED Certified and has designed many LEED Platinum, Gold & Silver Projects.

WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP)

The WELL Accredited Professional is a health and well-being credential that demonstrates expertise in the WELL Building Standards. While AKLD does not currently have this accreditation, they have been on many project teams where the WELL Building Standard was followed.

Living Building Challenge (LBC)

The Living Building Challenge is the ultimate green building standard that can be applied to any building type around the world. The goal is to create Living Buildings that incorporate regenerative design solutions that improve the local environment rather than simply harm. Additional certifications within LBC include Zero Carbon Certification (aka NET ZERO). AKLD has been part of many design teams that have embraced the seven performance categories, or “Petals”: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity and Beauty.

Lighting Controls

AKLD has designed countless lighting control systems for large Corporate Offices, Higher Education, Hospitality, Retail, Restaurants, and private residences. No matter what the building type is, lighting control systems are an extremely important interface between the user and the lighting system. Besides enabling the end user light level flexibility, lighting controls are the best way to control energy usage which translates into monetary savings and of course reduced carbon emissions.